Understanding Elementals: What They Are and How They Work.


Understanding Elementals.

As spiritual beings, we are often drawn to the natural world around us. From the gentle whisper of the wind to the serene beauty of a blooming flower, nature speaks to our soul in ways that words cannot express. But did you know that there are spiritual beings within nature that you can work with to enhance your spiritual journey? These beings are called Elementals, and in this blog post, we will explore who they are, what they do, and how to work with them.

Elementals are spiritual beings that inhabit the natural world. They are often associated with the four classical elements: earth, air, fire, and water. In many cultures, they are known by different names, such as fairies, pixies, sprites, and nymphs. Each type of Elemental has a unique personality and role within the natural world.

Earth Elementals are associated with the physical world and are often seen as caretakers of the earth. They are known for their grounding and nurturing energies.


Air Elementals are associated with the mind and are often seen as messengers. They are known for their communication skills and can help you connect with your higher self.


Fire Elementals are associated with passion and transformation. They are known for their ability to ignite creativity and help you let go of things that no longer serve you.


Water Elementals are associated with emotions and intuition. They are known for their healing and cleansing energies and can help you navigate your emotions.

Who are the Elementals?

In Ireland and the UK, elementals are commonly known as fairies. These beings are deeply ingrained in the folklore and mythology of these regions, with many stories and legends featuring their involvement in the lives of humans.



In Irish folklore, fai=ries are often divided into two categories: the Aos Sí, who are associated with the underworld and are generally malevolent towards humans, and the Aes Sídhe, who are associated with the Otherworld and are generally more benevolent towards humans.



The Aos Sí are often depicted as mischievous and tricky, playing pranks on humans and sometimes even leading them astray. They are said to live in mounds and other natural features of the landscape, and are sometimes associated with certain animals such as hares or foxes.



The Aes Sídhe, on the other hand, are associated with beauty, music, and healing. They are said to live in places of great natural beauty, such as the tops of mountains or beside sparkling streams. They are often depicted as tall and graceful, with shimmering clothing and hair.



In the UK, the fairy tradition is also deeply rooted in folklore and mythology. The most famous example is perhaps that of the Cottingley Fairies, a series of photographs taken in the early 20th century that purported to show fairies in the company of two young girls. While these photographs were later revealed to be a hoax, they nevertheless captured the imagination of the public and contributed to the ongoing fascination with fairy folklore.



In addition to fairies, there are many other types of elementals that are said to exist in the UK and Ireland. These include gnomes, elves, brownies, and many others. Each of these beings has their own distinct characteristics and associations, and all are believed to have the ability to influence the natural world in some way.

In the British Isles, there is a wide variety of elemental beings that are believed to exist. Faeries are among the most popular and well-known of these beings. Faeries are small, supernatural winged creatures that are believed to live deep within forests where they tend to the animals and plants. They are said to appear as flickers of red, blue, or green light and shun human companionship, but will help anyone who gets lost.



Another type of faerie is the Faerie Elves. They are small, supernatural beings of human form, and like faeries, they may be good or bad. Elves are the only faeries able to mate with humans and have children with them.



Dwarves are another type of elemental being. They are small, ugly creatures who are incredibly strong. They are talented artisans and craftsmen, and if they like you, they will be a good and loyal friend. However, if not, they can be mean and hurtful.



The Blue Men of the Minch, also known as Storm Kelpies, are water faeries found in the stretch of water between the islands of the Outer Hebrides and mainland Scotland. These faeries are notorious for causing shipwrecks and drowning sailors.



Bogles are goblins who are known for harming anyone who lies. Brownies, on the other hand, are helpful household faeries who like to clean, wash, milk cows, and generally do good. They are also known to be sensitive and prefer not to be rewarded with money, which they see as an insult.



Gwragedd Annwn are beautiful female water faeries who live beneath lakes and in rivers. They are known for stealing husbands and causing chaos. Piskeys, or Pixies, are mischievous horse-stealing faeries from the counties of Devon and Cornwall. They like to play tricks, especially on travellers, often leading them off course and getting them lost.



Silkies are elemental beings of the Scottish Isles who take on human form when on the land. They are seal people who are said to possess enchanting singing voices that can captivate humans.


The Cottingley Fairies.

In 1917, two young girls in the village of Cottingley, England, captured the attention of the world with photographs they claimed showed fairies in their garden. The girls, Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths, claimed to have seen and played with the fairies in the garden near their home, and that they were real.



The photos caused a sensation, and were widely published and shared. Many people believed in the authenticity of the photos, while others dismissed them as a hoax. Among the believers was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the famous author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, who visited the girls in 1920 to investigate the matter.



The story of the Cottingley Fairies is a fascinating one, full of mystery and intrigue. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the story of the Cottingley Fairies, including the photos themselves, the visit from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and the controversy and legacy that followed.



In the summer of 1917, Elsie Wright, then 16 years old, and her cousin Frances Griffiths, aged 9, were playing in the garden near their home in Cottingley. Elsie had a camera and took several photos of Frances playing with what appeared to be four fairies. The girls claimed to have seen and played with the fairies in the garden, and that they were real.



Elsie’s father, Arthur Wright, was a photography enthusiast and had his own darkroom. He developed the photos, and in 1919, Elsie’s mother showed them to a member of the Theosophical Society, who was impressed by the images. Theosophy is a spiritual movement that includes beliefs about the existence of fairies and other supernatural beings.



The photos were soon shared with other members of the Theosophical Society, and eventually, with the wider public. They caused a sensation, with many people believing in their authenticity. The girls claimed that they had taken the photos using a camera borrowed from a friend, and that they had seen and played with the fairies in the garden. They even took more photos in the following years, which were also published and shared widely.



In 1920, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a believer in spiritualism and the paranormal, visited the girls to investigate the matter. He was intrigued by the photos, and hoped that they would provide evidence for the existence of fairies and other supernatural beings.



During his visit, Conan Doyle interviewed the girls and examined the original negatives of the photos. He was convinced of their authenticity, and wrote an article for the Strand Magazine about the Cottingley Fairies, in which he argued that they provided proof of the existence of fairies and other supernatural beings.



The Cottingley Fairies caused controversy and debate for many years. While many people believed in the authenticity of the photos, others dismissed them as a hoax. In 1981, Elsie and Frances, then elderly women, finally admitted that the photos were fake, and that they had used cut-out cardboard figures and other props to create the images.



Despite the revelation that the photos were a hoax, the story of the Cottingley Fairies remains a fascinating one. It continues to capture the imagination of people all over the world, and has inspired countless works of art and literature.



The story of the Cottingley Fairies is a fascinating one, full of mystery, controversy, and intrigue. While the photos themselves were eventually revealed to be a hoax, the story continues to capture the imagination of people all over the world. The visit from Sir Arthur Conan.



What do you believe?

How do Elementals work?

Elementals are closely connected to the natural world and operate according to the laws of nature. They are considered to be guardians of the natural world and maintain a balance in the ecosystem. Their work is an expression of the Divine will and serves to ensure the harmony and balance of the natural world.



Elementals are thought to be able to manipulate the natural elements of earth, air, fire, and water, as well as other subtle energies that exist in the natural world. They can communicate with animals, plants, and other living things in ways that humans cannot, and are often tasked with maintaining the balance of life in the natural world.



One way that Elementals work is through the use of natural materials and energies. They are able to create and manipulate energy fields using natural substances like crystals, stones, plants, and herbs. They can also communicate through natural phenomena like the wind, rain, and lightning. Elementals may also use symbols and other forms of communication that are specific to the natural world.



Another way that Elementals work is by influencing human behavior and emotions. They are believed to be able to affect people’s moods, thoughts, and feelings through their connection to the natural world. For example, a person who spends time in nature may feel more peaceful and connected to the earth, while a person who spends too much time in artificial environments may feel disconnected and anxious.



In addition to their work in the natural world, Elementals are also said to work with human beings in a variety of ways. They can offer guidance and support, provide healing energy, and help people connect with their own inner wisdom and intuition. Many people believe that working with Elementals can enhance their spiritual growth and deepen their connection to the natural world.



To work with Elementals, it is important to have an open mind and heart, and to be willing to connect with the natural world in a meaningful way. This may involve spending time in nature, meditating on natural symbols and images, or creating an altar or sacred space that honors the natural world. It is also important to approach Elementals with respect and humility, and to be willing to listen to their guidance and wisdom.



The work of Elementals is a vital part of the natural world, and understanding their role can deepen our connection to the earth and enhance our spiritual growth. By connecting with these powerful beings, we can learn to live in harmony with the natural world and create a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

Elementals are closely connected to the natural world and operate according to the laws of nature. They are considered to be guardians of the natural world and maintain a balance in the ecosystem. Their work is an expression of the Divine will and serves to ensure the harmony and balance of the natural world.



Elementals are thought to be able to manipulate the natural elements of earth, air, fire, and water, as well as other subtle energies that exist in the natural world. They can communicate with animals, plants, and other living things in ways that humans cannot, and are often tasked with maintaining the balance of life in the natural world.



One way that Elementals work is through the use of natural materials and energies. They are able to create and manipulate energy fields using natural substances like crystals, stones, plants, and herbs. They can also communicate through natural phenomena like the wind, rain, and lightning. Elementals may also use symbols and other forms of communication that are specific to the natural world.



Another way that Elementals work is by influencing human behavior and emotions. They are believed to be able to affect people’s moods, thoughts, and feelings through their connection to the natural world. For example, a person who spends time in nature may feel more peaceful and connected to the earth, while a person who spends too much time in artificial environments may feel disconnected and anxious.



In addition to their work in the natural world, Elementals are also said to work with human beings in a variety of ways. They can offer guidance and support, provide healing energy, and help people connect with their own inner wisdom and intuition. Many people believe that working with Elementals can enhance their spiritual growth and deepen their connection to the natural world.



To work with Elementals, it is important to have an open mind and heart, and to be willing to connect with the natural world in a meaningful way. This may involve spending time in nature, meditating on natural symbols and images, or creating an altar or sacred space that honors the natural world. It is also important to approach Elementals with respect and humility, and to be willing to listen to their guidance and wisdom.



For example, Earth Elementals can help to heal and restore the earth. They can help to create fertile soil, promote growth in plants, and purify the air. Air Elementals can help to clear the mind and enhance mental clarity. They can also assist with communication, helping you to better articulate your thoughts and feelings. Fire Elementals can help to ignite passion and creativity. They can also help you to let go of things that no longer serve you. Water Elementals can help to cleanse and purify your emotions. They can also help to promote emotional healing and balance.



Overall, the work of Elementals is a vital part of the natural world, and understanding their role can deepen our connection to the earth and enhance our spiritual growth. By connecting with these powerful beings, we can learn to live in harmony with the natural world and create a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

How do Elementals work?

If you’re interested in working with Elementals, there are a few things to keep in mind. These beings are not always interested in human companionship, and they are not here to serve us. Instead, they are here to help maintain balance and harmony in the natural world. However, with respect and reverence, it is possible to establish a relationship with them. Here are some tips on how to work with Elementals:



Build a relationship with the natural world: One of the best ways to connect with Elementals is to spend time in nature. Whether it’s hiking in the woods, sitting by a stream, or tending to a garden, the more time you spend in the natural world, the more likely you are to encounter these beings.



Practice mindfulness: Elementals are attuned to the energy of the natural world, so it’s important to be present and mindful when you’re trying to connect with them. This means slowing down, focusing on your breath, and being aware of your surroundings.



Use respectful language and gestures: When working with Elementals, it’s important to use respectful language and gestures. Speak in a soft and gentle tone, and avoid using aggressive or commanding language. Offer gratitude and thanks for any assistance or guidance they may provide.



Offer gifts: Elementals appreciate offerings, particularly those that are natural and biodegradable. You might leave a small offering of flowers, herbs, or crystals in an area where you feel the presence of Elementals. Just be sure to leave only what is appropriate, and never take anything from nature without permission.



Work with an experienced practitioner: If you’re new to working with Elementals, it can be helpful to work with an experienced practitioner. They can provide guidance on how to safely and respectfully connect with these beings, and help you avoid any potential pitfalls.



Trust your intuition: When working with Elementals, it’s important to trust your intuition. If you feel a sense of unease or discomfort, it may be a sign that you’re not connecting with these beings in a respectful or appropriate way. Always listen to your gut, and proceed with caution.



Remember, Elementals are powerful and unpredictable beings. While working with them can be a rewarding and enlightening experience, it’s important to approach them with respect and caution. With patience, reverence, and an open heart, it is possible to establish a relationship with these magical beings and learn from their wisdom and guidance.



Working with Elementals is a wonderful way to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with nature. Here are some tips for working with these spiritual beings:



Show Respect: Elementals are living beings, and like all living beings, they deserve respect. When working with them, be sure to show gratitude and honor their presence.



Connect with Nature: To connect with Elementals, it is important to spend time in nature. Take a walk in the woods, sit by a stream, or meditate in a garden.



Use Symbols: Elementals are often associated with symbols. Using symbols such as flowers, crystals, or feathers can help you to connect with them.



The Benefits of Working with Elementals.

Working with Elementals can bring numerous benefits to our lives, both spiritually and practically. Here are some of the benefits of working with Elementals:



Strengthening our connection with nature: As nature spirits, Elementals can help us develop a deeper connection with the natural world. By working with them, we can become more aware of the interconnectivity of all things and develop a greater appreciation for the beauty and wonder of the natural world.



Spiritual growth: Working with Elementals can help us on our spiritual journey. By connecting with these spirits, we can receive guidance and insight that can help us better understand ourselves and our place in the world.



Manifestation: Elementals are believed to have the power to manifest things in the physical world. By working with them, we can align our intentions with the natural forces of the universe and bring our desires into reality.



Protection: Elementals are protective spirits and can offer us protection from negative energies and entities. By working with them, we can create a shield of positive energy around us that can ward off negative influences.



Healing: Some Elementals are known for their healing powers. By working with them, we can tap into these energies and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.



Personal power: Elementals are powerful beings, and working with them can help us tap into our own inner power. By developing a relationship with these spirits, we can increase our own personal power and ability to create positive change in the world.



Creativity: Elementals are associated with creativity and inspiration. By working with them, we can tap into these energies and unlock our own creative potential.

Working with Elementals can bring numerous benefits to our lives, both spiritually and practically. Here are some of the benefits of working with Elementals:



Strengthening our connection with nature: As nature spirits, Elementals can help us develop a deeper connection with the natural world. By working with them, we can become more aware of the interconnectivity of all things and develop a greater appreciation for the beauty and wonder of the natural world.



Spiritual growth: Working with Elementals can help us on our spiritual journey. By connecting with these spirits, we can receive guidance and insight that can help us better understand ourselves and our place in the world.



Manifestation: Elementals are believed to have the power to manifest things in the physical world. By working with them, we can align our intentions with the natural forces of the universe and bring our desires into reality.



Protection: Elementals are protective spirits and can offer us protection from negative energies and entities. By working with them, we can create a shield of positive energy around us that can ward off negative influences.



Healing: Some Elementals are known for their healing powers. By working with them, we can tap into these energies and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.



Personal power: Elementals are powerful beings, and working with them can help us tap into our own inner power. By developing a relationship with these spirits, we can increase our own personal power and ability to create positive change in the world.



Creativity: Elementals are associated with creativity and inspiration. By working with them, we can tap into these energies and unlock our own creative potential.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a Scottish author and physician, best known for creating the detective character Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh in 1859, Doyle went on to study medicine at the University of Edinburgh, where he met his future wife, Louise Hawkins. After completing his studies, Doyle worked as a doctor for several years, but it was his writing that brought him the most fame and fortune. His first Sherlock Holmes story, "A Study in Scarlet," was published in 1887 and was an instant success. Doyle went on to write three more novels and 56 short stories featuring the detective, which continue to be popular to this day. Doyle was also a believer in spiritualism and wrote several books on the subject, including "The New Revelation" and "The Vital Message." He was a member of the Ghost Club, a society devoted to investigating supernatural phenomena, and he famously became involved in the Cottingley Fairies controversy, where he championed the authenticity of photographs purporting to show fairies. In addition to his writing and spiritualist beliefs, Doyle was a sportsman and adventurer. He played football (soccer) as a goalkeeper and was an accomplished cricketer, even playing for the MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club) in 1900. He also served as a doctor during the Boer War in South Africa and wrote about his experiences in "The Great Boer War." Doyle was knighted in 1902 for his services to literature, and he continued to write and lecture on spiritualism until his death in 1930. His legacy as one of the greatest writers of detective fiction and a proponent of spiritualism has endured to this day.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
British writer



Londonderry/Derry Northern Ireland and Strabane areas

“Remember, the thoughts you think, along with your feelings and emotions, control your vibration. Your vibration is a magnet and everything that comes to you is steel.”

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Caroline Cole

Caroline Cole

My mission is to serve spirit by delivering its messages of love, healing, and compassion to those who need it most, while providing evidence of the survival of consciousness. Through my work, I strive to bring joy where there was once sorrow, hope where there was once despair, love where there was once emptiness, and light where there was once darkness.

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